For over 25 years, executives have turned to Salt and Light to help them chart a course and build the leaders of today.

Grow Your Company

We grow companies by coaching and developing leaders.

Let’s face it running a company in today’s environment is challenging. Keeping an eye on sales, operations, management, and HR is a full-time job for even the best executives.

  • The first step to company growth is to develop and grow leaders. And that’s where a lot of executives get stuck. Who would make a great leader, what disciplines and skillsets are needed, and how do I build a curriculum and monitor their growth?
  • Growing great leaders requires understanding the companies’ goals, the human capital available, a solid strategy, and a disciplined approach to growing those leaders into the position you need.

That’s why for over 25 years, executives have turned to Salt and Light to help them chart a course and build the leaders of today.

Let’s work together

Whether you are an entrepreneur or a manager in a large corporate setting, we have mentors who have taken the same journey and can help from real-life experience

Health Forte

Claims Consulting

Leadership Coaching


Law Enforcement Training

Leadership Training

Salt & Light

Ultimate Solution Experts

Leadership Coaching & Training